“Winning is hard.”

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“One of the things I like to say is the 'Five Ps': Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.”

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“This isn't my team. This is our team, the community's team, the fans' team, the player's team.”

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“Age is a number. Age is overrated. If we were worried about age, Obama wouldn't have been elected, Tiger Woods wouldn't be doing what he’s doing.”

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“I believe the best way to live your life is to be positive.”

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“Memphis you take an 'Loss', people are devastated. They're sick to their stomach. They take it like a coach. That's the big difference. There are very few programs that are similar to here, the investment that they have to the team.”

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“I took the names off the back of the jerseys; I locked them out of the locker room. I stopped feeding them hot meals, gave them a ham-and-turkey on white bread and bag of chips, wouldn't give them anything with the name of Memphis on their practice gear -- anything -- because I wanted them to understand ... that game is not acceptable.”

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“This is a total team….When you lose that falls on the coach. Players win games; coaches lose games. I’ve always said that to the guys, and I believe that.”

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“Can't tell you how much watching Lute Olson every day helped me"

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“I remember being in the fifth grade and I'm watching a Lakers-Celtics game in my parents' bedroom and I thought then, 'I want to coach'.”

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“The foundation of all excellence is positive belief.”

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“I try not to cuss, I won't say I don't slip, but when I do I get upset at myself.”

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“I didn't get my (undergraduate) degree in 2 1/2 years and my master's in one without having great time-management skills. I have sacrificed sleep, making sure that we are prepared to go. We will be prepared.”

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“I'm jacked, ready to rock and roll. I'm not much of a sleeper, and I don't drink coffee either. I'm a high-energy guy. I love life. I'm a morning guy. I believe the best way to live your life is to be positive. From there, we'll take the next step.”

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Every week, Coach Pastner will reach into the e-mailbag, select a question from the fans, and personally answer the question via video response! Check back HERE each week to see if your question was chosen.

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